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119-2nd Street SW, Carman

This house was built for John R.Cochran, a local optometrist and jeweler, and his family. It is a fine example of the kind of large and handsome building that the social and economic elite of Carman built for themselves in the early 20th century.

The building is a notable example of architecture, combining the then-familiar American Four-square design with details from other popular styles of the day. The house is a basic cubic shape, with sturdy brick walls and a low pyramidal roof shape—hallmarks of the Four square.

Stately and elegant Classical Revival aspects can be seen in the tall windows and gracious entrance canopy, and there are Italianate-style features in the delicate roof-eave brackets. The house is certainly one of Carman’s finest.

The Cochran House is also one of the five key buildings that help make the block of 2nd Street SW between 2nd and 3rd avenues such a notable area—packed with fine brick houses that proudly express the architectural ambitions of their owners, and of the Town of Carman at its height.

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